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Hi, welcome to my website. This is a place where you can get all the questions, puzzles, algorithms asked in interviews and their solutions. Feel free to contact me if you have any queries / suggestions and please leave your valuable comments.. Thanks for visiting -Pragya.

June 23, 2010

Amazon telephonic interview ques

1. Write an efficient algo to find longest recurring substring in a string e.g. in banana, it would be 'ana'

Ans : We can use suffix trees to implement this. I will post the exact solution soon

2. Write a function to find intersection of two strings. i.e. characters common to the strings.

For this, the most efficient solution would be to use 26 bits .. one for each character and put zero in all and then wen u encounter a character, just make the corresponding bit 1. For this, we ll need to traverse both the strings only once ands the extra memory that would be required would only be 26 bits :) O(n) solution

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pragya,could you please post the solutions to Amazon interview questions